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Are you a bottleneck to your child’s progress?

Updated: Apr 30, 2023

Are you becoming a bottle neck to your own child’s progress??? This sounds strange, unacceptable and would invoke a strong response of denial. That’s ok. Let’s look at how it could be true. Day in and day out I observe statements and behaviours that unknowingly may trigger complexes and doubts in our kids, blocking them from their own good. Its really alarming on how many educated parents shun their own children on the basis of their skin colour. It’s absurd when I hear parents make statements like “oh she’s fair, she can carry any colour well, you can’t because you are dark”. The objective may be right, but this can lead to a very deep scar in the child and kill his/her confidence for a lifetime. Imagine them go for a campus/job interview, leave alone their talents, all they will be thinking of is their looks. Truth is, every skin tone and every type of personality can carry a few colours and styles well and can’t carry a few. This is just one example, there are plenty like this; height, weight, English language, hair, and the list is endless. Let’s be a little aware of our communication to them and not ruin their lives on the basis of a few silly beliefs of ours. 📷 We could be becoming a bottleneck to our children’s progress by being over protective about them, by being always available to them for petty chores. Our kids need to learn to take care of their responsibilities by themselves. Let’s understand, we have a limited life span and we won’t be there with them all the time. So are they equipped enough to take care of themselves and their responsibilities? Do we allow them to fall, to be hurt, to listen to a ‘No’. For; the world will not always be sweet, there will be turmoils, defeats, failures, heartbreaks and rejections to handle. Have we equipped them well for these or are we protecting them from the slightest of bruises? Think about it…. Lets instill Strength in our kids and not doubts. Let’s Open Up, Outgrow and become the wind beneath their wings…..
Love and Smiles, Sanna.
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